
Docs: Scala Standard Library 2.13.1 - scala.Predef

Pre = 事前
Def(ine) = 定義

static importみたいな感じか?おなじみのprint, printlnscala.Predefで定義されている

 *  === Console Output ===
 *  For basic console output, `Predef` provides convenience methods [[print(x:Any* print]] and [[println(x:Any* println]],
 *  which are aliases of the methods in the object [[scala.Console]].


object Predef extends LowPriorityImplicits with DeprecatedPredef {
  /** Prints an object to `out` using its `toString` method.
   *  @param x the object to print; may be null.
   *  @group console-output
  def print(x: Any) = Console.print(x)

  /** Prints a newline character on the default output.
   *  @group console-output
  def println() = Console.println()


またMap, Setなどもつかえる
こいつらについてはscalaパッケージ配下にいないが、Predefでvalしてるので呼び出せる。 ↓それっぽいことがかいてある

 *  === Commonly Used Types ===
 *  Predef provides type aliases for types which are commonly used, such as
 *  the immutable collection types [[scala.collection.immutable.Map]],
 *  [[scala.collection.immutable.Set]], and the [[scala.collection.immutable.List]]
 *  constructors ([[scala.collection.immutable.::]] and
 *  [[scala.collection.immutable.Nil]]).
  // miscellaneous -----------------------------------------------------
  scala.`package`                         // to force scala package object to be seen.
  scala.collection.immutable.List         // to force Nil, :: to be seen.

  /**  @group aliases */
  type Function[-A, +B] = Function1[A, B]

  /**  @group aliases */
  type Map[A, +B] = immutable.Map[A, B]
  /**  @group aliases */
  type Set[A]     = immutable.Set[A]
  /**  @group aliases */
  val Map         = immutable.Map
  /**  @group aliases */
  val Set         = immutable.Set


  @deprecated("use built-in tuple syntax or Tuple2 instead", "2.11.0")
  type Pair[+A, +B] = Tuple2[A, B]
  @deprecated("use built-in tuple syntax or Tuple2 instead", "2.11.0")
  object Pair {
    def apply[A, B](x: A, y: B) = Tuple2(x, y)
    def unapply[A, B](x: Tuple2[A, B]): Option[Tuple2[A, B]] = Some(x)

  @deprecated("use built-in tuple syntax or Tuple3 instead", "2.11.0")
  type Triple[+A, +B, +C] = Tuple3[A, B, C]
  @deprecated("use built-in tuple syntax or Tuple3 instead", "2.11.0")
  object Triple {
    def apply[A, B, C](x: A, y: B, z: C) = Tuple3(x, y, z)
    def unapply[A, B, C](x: Tuple3[A, B, C]): Option[Tuple3[A, B, C]] = Some(x)


  /** @group implicit-classes-any */
  implicit final class ArrowAssoc[A](private val self: A) extends AnyVal {
    @inline def -> [B](y: B): Tuple2[A, B] = Tuple2(self, y)
    def →[B](y: B): Tuple2[A, B] = ->(y)


scala> val im = Map("a" -> "A")
im: scala.collection.immutable.Map[String,String] = Map(a -> A)

ここででてきた->, Tuple, Mapの関連性について次でもうちょっとくわしく書くよ